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Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards


Film Wprowadzenie do dostępności internetowej i standardów W3C

Introduction to Web Accessibility


Wprowadzenie do dostępności internetowej

Web Accessibility Perspectives Videos: Explore the Impact and Benefits for Everyone

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Keyboard Compatibility

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Colors with Good Contrast

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Clear Layout and Design

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Text to Speech

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Large Links, Buttons, and Controls

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Video Captions

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Customizable Text

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Speech Recognition

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Understandable Content

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Notifications and Feedback

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Tips for Getting Started

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Writing for Web Accessibility – Tips for Getting Started

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Designing for Web Accessibility – Tips for Getting Started

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Developing for Web Accessibility – Tips for Getting Started

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An alt Decision Tree

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Accessibility Principles

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WCAG 2 Overview


Omówienie WCAG 2

What's New in WCAG 2.2

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Accessibility Fundamentals

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Accessibility Fundamentals Overview


Omówienie podstaw dostępności

Introduction to Web Accessibility


Wprowadzenie do dostępności internetowej

Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards


Film Wprowadzenie do dostępności internetowej i standardów W3C

Accessibility: It’s About People

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Web Accessibility Perspectives Videos: Explore the Impact and Benefits for Everyone

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Keyboard Compatibility

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Colors with Good Contrast

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Clear Layout and Design

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Text to Speech

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Large Links, Buttons, and Controls

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Video Captions

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Customizable Text

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Speech Recognition

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Understandable Content

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Notifications and Feedback

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Essential Components of Web Accessibility


Podstawowe komponenty dostępności Internetu

Accessibility Principles

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Planning & Policies

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Planning and Policies Overview

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Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs

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Planning and Managing Web Accessibility

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Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility

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Design & Develop

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Design and Develop Overview

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Writing for Web Accessibility – Tips for Getting Started

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Designing for Web Accessibility – Tips for Getting Started

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Developing for Web Accessibility – Tips for Getting Started

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Making Audio and Video Media Accessible

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User Experiences and Benefits to Organizations

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Planning Audio and Video Media

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Audio Content and Video Content

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Description of Visual Information

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Transcribing Audio to Text

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Sign Languages

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Media Players

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An alt Decision Tree

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Test & Evaluate

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Evaluating Web Accessibility Overview

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Evaluation Tools Overview

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Conformance Evaluation and Reports

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Involving Users in Evaluating Web Accessibility

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Teach & Advocate

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Teach and Advocate Overview

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Making Events Accessible - Checklist for meetings, conferences, training, and presentations that are remote/virtual, in-person, or hybrid

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The Business Case for Digital Accessibility

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W3C Accessibility Standards Overview

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WCAG 2 Overview


Omówienie WCAG 2

What's New in WCAG 2.2

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What’s New in WCAG 2.1

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WCAG 3 Introduction

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Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Overview


Omówienie Wytycznych dla dostępności narzędzi autorskich (ATAG)

ATAG at a Glance


ATAG w skrócie

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Overview


Omówienie Wytycznych dla dostępności programu użytkownika (UAAG)

WAI-ARIA Overview

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Evaluation Standards Overview - ACT & EARL

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Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Overview

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WAI-Adapt Overview

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Cognitive Accessibility at W3C

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Mobile Accessibility at W3C

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